This screen is too small…these letters…this cyber space. How am I supposed to fit any real sentiment or emotion here? How do I ask my best questions?….Without completely ringing out the sponge of reality which is currently soaked full. It’s confusing enough to feel it, let alone explain it, squeezing it in search of some meaning meanwhile losing most of its juice. But it’s kind of what we do as humans. Our ability to analyze reality sets us apart from our other mammal counterparts but I think there are times when our capacity for such functioning is futile and we forget that we are small and not in control. Some things…no, that’s over-confident…most things just can’t be explained in human terms. Not on this screen, not with these letters.

Foremost, we are blessed beyond words that there were no human fatalities or serious injuries sustained in what we are calling the ‘great flood of 2014’. A week ago. Authorities say it was a 100 year flood…the like of which hadn’t occurred since the 1930s. Our house, car and entire property became engulfed with water in under 30 minutes. Humbling, a nice euphemism for devastating, to watch everything you have been working for, all the time, labor, love and energy be ruined in the blink of an eye. The whole story, which I’ll spare you, is unreal. A trauma we won’t soon forget now as we try our best to emotionally and physically recover nature’s powerful blow.

For the sake of how far behind I fell with this blog’s being up-to-date, for the sake of how painstakingly hard we worked to meet the deadline of baby Elowyn’s arrival, and for the sake of our own hopes to rebound and continue our sustainable endeavor, I will recount where I left off.

Happily, although she decided to come out 10 days before expected, the first night we slept in our house was the night we brought Elowyn from the hospital. (My 3 day labor allowed Jeff a few more trips to the hardware store and to finish a few essentials i.e running water).





It was livable by our standards. But we still had lots to do to finish the house fully. Such as bottle walls, adobe and exterior plaster.





We were able to get our solar system up and running, grey water system functioning, all we had left to do was the bathroom. We were finally home.





I will purposely leave the devastation photos out of this post. We’re moving forward. Naturally we fluctuate back and forth from hope to despair, despair to hope 30 times in a day. The reminders are all around us. Naturally we’re wondering what to do. For now we get back on our feet, repair the damage done and continue to move forward. Bowing our heads to the power of nature, trying not to futilely analyze this to no end, and remembering that all’s not lost.

We so greatly appreciate all who’ve uplifted us in their thoughts and prayers and reached out in love for places to stay and things they could do to help us. Thank you thank you thank you, now and always.

5 thoughts on “When life speaks, what does it say?

  1. Sierra, that was a great post as usual. You guys have done a great job on the really cool house. I hope that you can find the strength to rise again. Elowyn is lucky to have creative, intelligent and resourceful parents. It is comforting to know that you have many offers of assistance in addition to ours. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are an inspiration to many. Peace and Love.

  2. When the words fail me, as they do now, I trust you feel my love. I’m proud beyond belief of what you’ve done. Without a doubt I know you will rebound with determination that sustains you all. My heart, my love and my prayers are with you.

  3. Sierra~this post and pictures are beautiful!Especially after I got the details you left out from Tyler. I am glad that when he left you were all OK…You will be…Love. Light. Spirit!

  4. Dear Sierra, I knew your family from CC years ago. I read your blog and am humbled and speechless at the creativity, thoughtfulness, honesty, and profound poetic way you pen your words. Your home and adventure in life with your husband and new little one is inspiring! I am so sorry to read about this flood after all your beautiful labors! Thankful for your safety! I too will be praying for your family…May you be blessed with the strength, and continued vision of your dream. Blessings, Cathy Schwenkmeyer

  5. You are all three, brilliant beyond words! The creativity, beauty, labor of love, building a life together (literally as well), love, peace, tranquility, and devotion to Mother Earth is mostadmirable!! You’re always in my heart ♡ and running positive energy through my veins…
    It’s no wonder that gorgeous, radiant, and stunning beauty, Elowyn, carries such wisdom and truth in her eyes! You always have my love and full support! P~E~A~C~E & L~O~V~E, ♡ Chloé

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